Sun or Surya
is considered to be the most
planet in astrological parlance as any planet placed with it
combust. On the other hand, whenever Rahu or Ketu
comes at 14 degrees from the Sun a solar eclipse occurs around New Moon
(meaning Rahu or Ketu eclipse the Sun).
In astrology, the Sun represents royalty, red coral, red cloth, ruby,
father and gold among other things. In Medical astrology, the Sun rules
head and brain among body parts and boils, pimples and fever among diseases.
The Sun rules the zodiac sign of Leo. The sign of its exaltation ( Uchchasth)
is Aries and the sign of its debilitation ( Neechasth) is Libra.
As based on the horoscope the malefic or benefic effect of the Sun is
determined astrologically mars ( and not merely on the basis of exaltation
or debilitation because under certain conditions even a debilitated
Sun can give beneficial effects whereas based on its position and degrees
in the horoscope even an exalted Sun can sometimes give malefic effects.
For instance, an exalted 10th lord Sun in the 6th house in the sign
of Aries for Scorpio Ascendant (lagna) natives it gives negative results
but its minute position as per degrees is also to be taken into consideration
before arriving at any conclusion as per our Astro Research.
As we have explained in our astrology research article “ What
is Mantra” Mantras can be classified under two broad categories:
1. Tantrik Mantras ( Beeja Mantras)
2. Vedic Mantras
Therefore, chanting of Tantrik or Vedic Mantra of the concerned planet
1,25,000 times or its half, 62,500 times reduces the malefic effects
of that planet. In Panchangas, this number of times for the chanting
of mantra for the Sun is given as 7,000 when by chanting only 7,000
times the Mantra of the Sun nothing substantial can be achieved and
it is 1,25,000 times chanting alone which can give proper results.
The Tantrik Mantra of the Sun: -
"Om Hraang Hreeng
Hroung Sah Suryay Namah"
The Vedic Mantra of the Sun: -
Om Akrishnen Rajsa Vartmano
Niveshayanm Amritam Martyanya
Hiranyayen Savitarathenadevo Yaati Bhuvanani Pashyan Suryay Namah
The sun can be propitiated from either kind of mantras but among these
Tantrik Mantras ( Beeja Mantras) are more popular. By undertaking this
“Anushthana” ( Puja & Homa{ Ritual of Chanting of Mantras})
one can remove the malefic effects of the Sun especially when performed
in the Major Period ( Mahadasha) or Sub-Periods ( Antar Dashas) of the