Our Astro Mantra
Brihaspati Mantra
Budh Mantra
Chandra Mantra
Gayatri Mantra
Mahamritunjay Mantra
Mangal Mantra
Shukra Mantra
Surya Mantra

As per Astronomy, Mercury is the closest planet of all from the Sun and hence naturally the hottest one. One unique astrological feature of this planet is that it turns most frequently combust and retrograde which is also due to the astronomical proximity of Mercury to the Sun. It is to be well remembered that retrogression and combustion of any planet represent only their apparent and not actual movement through the heavens. The planet of Mercury represents logic, calculation and mathematics in astrological parlance.

In astrology, the planet of Mercury is also the natural significator of dance, medicine, wealth, crafts and sciences among other things. In medical astrology, the Mercury governs gastric problem.

In astrology, the planet of Mercury rules the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. The sign of exaltation of Mercury is Virgo and the sign of debilitation of Mercury is Pisces.

As based on the horoscope the malefic or benefic effect of the planet Mercury is determined in relation to a person astrologically and not merely on the basis of exaltation or debilitation because under certain conditions even a debilitated Mercury can give beneficial effects whereas based on its position and degrees in the horoscope even an exalted Mercury can sometimes give malefic effects.

As we have explained in our astrology research article “ What is Mantra” Mantras can be classified under two broad categories: -

1. Tantrik Mantras ( Beeja Mantras)
2. Vedic Mantras

Therefore, chanting of Tantrik or Vedic Mantra of the concerned planet 1,25,000 times or its half, 62,500 times reduces the malefic effects of that planet. In Panchangas, this number of times for the chanting of mantra for the Mercury is given as 19,000 when by chanting only 19,000 times the Mantra of the Mercury ( Budha) nothing substantial can be achieved and it is 1,25,000 times chanting alone which can give proper results.

The Tantrik Mantra of the Mercury: -

"Om Braang Breeng Broung Sah Budhay Namah"

The Vedic Mantra of the Mercury: -

Om Udbuddhayesvagne Pratijagihi Tvamishtapurte Sa An Srijethamaya Nya
Asmintsandhasthe Adhyuttarasminvishvedeva Yajmanashch Seedat Budhay Namah

The Mercury can be propitiated by either kind of Mantras but Tantrik Mantras( Beeja Mantras) are more popular. By undertaking this “Anushthana” ( Puja & Homa{ Ritual of Chanting of Mantras}) one can remove the malefic effects of the Mercury especially when performed in the Major Period ( Mahadasha) or Sub-Periods ( Antar Dashas) of the Mercury.