Marriage & Maarried Life

Marriage defines your aspirations in personal life. Planets unveil the potential that marriage holds for you. The first and foremost question which arises is of the timing of marriage and whether it will be a love marriage or an arranged marriage which we answer with specific remedies if required. Nature and fortune of the future spouse can also be known People usually resort to astrology to solve problems in marital life when they are actually facing them then they are also solvable with the help of astrology. With the help of a detailed analysis of the horoscopes of both husband and wife problems can be sorted out and proper remedies suggested.

Marriage & Maarried Life

Report Price :    Rs. 299   |   $ 4.6

ARC Founder

Late Pt. Raja Ram Shastri established Astrological Research Centre (ASTROCENT) in 1952. He was an Editor, Translator, Pioneer Research Scholar, Crusader and Innovator, who had a world vision of futurity, prospects of development and prosperity combined with the knowledge of synthesis between Medicine and Astrology.. know more..

Our Astrologer

  • Pt. Sunil Sharma Pt.Sunil Sharma
    He Says: Successful operation of a person?.. know more....
  • Sonal Sharma Mr.Sonal Sharma
    He Says: The growth and decline of the evolution can. know more..