ARC Astrologer's Profile

Name : Mr. Sonal Sharma Astrological Research Center's Astrologer
Birth Date : 29th Nov, 1979
Birth Place : Delhi ( India)
Education Qualifications :
B.A. (Pass), Delhi University.
Main Languages : Hindi, English and Sanskrit.
Other Languages : Haryanvi and Punjabi.
Present Positions (a)

Jyotish Anveshan Kendra
Astrological Research Centre


(i) Started professional astrological work under the name of Jyotish Anveshan Kendra in october 2000.

(ii) Joined astrological research centre in 2004.


(i) Writing articles on astrology and other related fields.

(ii) Presented a research paper on the scientific nature of astrology in the third national science conference in February 2004 organized at national physical laboratory in pusa campus, Delhi.