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Many people do not know their correct time of birth but want to take assistance of astrology in relation to some specific area or problem in life.
AstroCent will answer your query based on prashna kundali without having time of birth, or if you have doubt about your correct detials of birth.
'One mukhi Rudraksh bead controls the malefic effects of Sun. One Mukhi Rudraksha increases the leadership qualities and prosperity of the wearer as the Sun is pleased'
'Two Mukhi Rudraksha bead control the malefic effects of planet Moon and useful to make good relationships.'
'Three Mukhi Rudraksha represent supreme power of the Universe, Lord Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh, wearer get the blessing of these supreme power. '
'Energised Four Mukhi Rudraksh Bead represent Goddess Saraswati. It removes the malefic effects of Planet Mercury (Budh). Wearer of this auspicious bead, blesses with bodily and monetary happiness, satisfaction ...'
'Baglamukhi yantra is one of the most unique and powerful yantras, designed to protect a person from enemies and destroy all opposition.'
'Bhojpatra Durga Beesa Yantra. Be the first to review this product '
'Bhojpatra Mahamrityunjaya yantra is basically a form of propitiating Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is truth and hence it is only the prayer of Lord Shiva, which can help one leave behind even death.'
'Bhojpatra Mahalakshmi Yantra is used to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Be the first to review this product'